Evita Test Complete

Evita Test Complete

From week 10+0-14-6

Price: DKK 13500,- (Not eligible for discount).* 

If you have the test done after 4 PM it will get sent to the lab the following day.

Please note: Can be done on Monday-Thursday only. It isn’t possible to book Evita online – you need to call or write us.

Try our guide to see which NIPT test is right for you here.

How does the EVITA TEST COMPLETE differ from other conventional NIPT tests?
An EVITA TEST COMPLETE analyzes fetal DNA from whole fetal cells that circulate in a pregnant woman’s blood. By isolating these cells we have access to the complete fetal genome which gives us the ability to analyze whether there are signs of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.
Evita is a cell-based NIPT test using a brand new technology that makes it possible to examine whole cells. The difference between the conventional NIPT test, also referred to as cell-free NIPT (cfNIPT), and EVITA TEST COMPLETE is that cfNIPT analyses fragments of fetal DNA circulating in maternal blood. These fetal DNA fragments are contaminated with maternal DNA, hence limiting the resolution of analysis. EVITA TEST COMPLETE uses a technology to isolate fetal cells from maternal blood and analyse pure fetal DNA. This way EVITA TEST COMPLETE has the ability to detect smaller changes in the fetal DNA.


If chromosomal abnormalities are detected (in the form of copy number variation) the test should be followed up with a placenta biopsy * or an amniocentesis *. The Evita Test examines for aneuploidia, microdeletions and microduplications (see explanation below). Gender is optional.

All we need is a blood sample from the mother and this makes the test completely risk-free for your fetus. You will receive your results within 12 business days.

It is the only non-invasive prenatal test on the market that examines all fetal chromosomes without risks to the fetus. Examples of chromosomal abnormalities are Down’s Syndrome or changes in the sex chromosomes as well as other lesser known genetic disorders that can cause severe life complications. The test’s special method is combined with an individual medical expert assessment from experienced geneticists in the Department of Clinical Genetics at Aarhus University.

The Evita Test has been developed and gets analyzed in Denmark.

The test takes 30 minutes and always includes a scan, a print with the scan results, one color photo of your baby and all the images and clips from the scan in Tricefy. You can buy extra color photos at the price of dkk 20/pc. It depends on the fetus’s age what we can see in the scan.

In case the NIPT test cannot be performed due to fetal issues, or if you change your mind after receiving counseling, and before your consultation is over, you will get charged for an Early Scan (not eligible for discount).


You are a candidate for Evita if:

  • You are between pregnancy weeks 10+0 and 14+6 weeks
  • You are expecting singleton
  • You have had a previous pregnancy with chromosome anomalies
  • You are not comfortable with the 12 week risk assessment
  • You have received fertility treatment, egg donation or have experienced miscarriages
  • There are contraindications to CVS or AC such as placenta previa or increased risk of miscarriage
  • You just want the extra security

You are not a candidate for the test if:

  • You are less than 10 or more than 14+6 weeks pregnant
  • You have had organ transplantation
  • You have received stem cell treatment
  • You have experienced “vanishing twin”
  • You are expecting twins or more

Read more about EVITA TEST COMPLETE here.

Read two articles about Evita here and here.

If you need more information you are very welcome to contact us. Either way you will receive counselling prior to the test when you arrive at the clinic.



  • Aneuploidy: An aberration in the chromosome set (karyotype) in the form of too many or too few chromosomes. Normally we have 46 chromosomes in our cells – 23 from the mother and 23 from the father. These are arranged in pairs. The chromosomes consist of DNA and determine – among other things – our appearance and gender (XX for girl and XY for boy). In aneuploidies, the number of chromosomes is altered (e.g. 45 or 47). The consequence of the aneuploidy depends on which chromosome pair is affected. Examples of aneuploidies are Down’s Syndrome and Turner’s Syndrome.
  • Trisomy 21, Down’s Syndrome – an additional chromosome 21, i.e. 3 where there should have been 2 (tri = 3). One of the most common forms of developmental impairment.
  • Trisomy 18, Edward’s syndrome – an additional 18th chromosome. Malformations and severe mental retardation. Short lifespan. Rare.
  • Trisomy 13, Pataus syndrome – an additional 13th chromosome. Malformations and severe mental retardation. Short lifespan. Rare.
  • Turner’s Syndrome – missing or altered sex chromosome (X) in girls.
  • Microdeletions – Microdeletions are caused when a chromosome is missing a small piece. The severity of problems caused by a microdeletion is determined primarily by the size and location of the deletion.
  • Microduplications – Microduplications are caused by the copying of a small piece of a chromosome in each cell. Can cause autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, heart defects and other anomalies.
  • Placenta biopsy (Chorion Villus Sample (CVS)* – invasive test where small pieces of the placenta are retrieved through a thin needle in the mother’s abdomen for chromosome analysis. Possible from week 10.
  • Amniocentesis (AC)* – invasive test where amniotic fluid is retrieved through a thin needle in the mother’s abdomen for chromosome analysis. Possible from week 16.

*Invasive diagnostic tests are not performed at Spire. It is your own responsibility to take your results to the relevant health care center if needed – but we are happy to help you along in this process!

*Prices are subject to change

At Spire you will meet a professional team of sonographers. We do all types of pregnancy scans including 3D and 4D. We have the latest equipment ensuring great looking images with all scans.

We are registered with the Danish Patient Safety Authority.