What is NIPT

What is NIPT?

NIPT is an abbreviation for Non Invasive Prenatal Test and is a blood sample from the mother that screens for chromosome anomalies in the fetus. You can choose a NIPT test if you want a highly accurate risk assessment without putting a risk to your pregnancy.

There are different NIPT providers and we offer Panorama and Evita Test Complete. If you are not sure which NIPT test is right for you you can use the guide at the bottom of this page to help you decide.


Possible from week 9+0

Can be used on twins and is the only NIPT that can tell you if your twins are identical or fraternal and each twin’s gender.

Tests for specific copy number variations such as Down’s Syndrome, sex chromosome defects and more. Gender optional.

Only NIPT that can detect triploidy.

Based on cell free DNA (DNA fragments).

Developed and analyzed in the USA.

Read about Panorama here

Evita Test Complete

Possible between week 10+0 and 14+6

Tests all chromosomes for copy number variations.

Evita differs from other NIPT tests by investigating all 23 chromosome pairs thereby making it the most accurate NIPT test on the market.

Gender optional.

Developed and analyzed in Denmark.

Read about Evita Test Complete here

Which NIPT test is right for me?

Use the guide below to help you decide.

I want a risk assessment for the most common chromosome aberrations such as Down's syndrome.
I'm not comfortable with the numbers I received at the nuchal translucency scan.
I want a full examination of all the whole chromosomes from 1-3 fetal cells
I want as much information as possible.

Evita Test Complete for a full examination of all the whole chromosomes from 1-3 fetal cells.

I'm expecting twins
I have experienced fetal demise (vanishing twin) in this pregnancy.

Unfortunately it is not possible to do a NIPT test in a pregnancy with high probability of DNA from another deceased fetus. It is also not possible to get a NIPT test if there are 3 or more alive fetuses. 

I want to know the gender of my baby.

Gender is optional in Panorama and Evita. If you don’t need a NIPT test you can book a gender scan from week 14+0.

Still unsure?

 Call or write and we will answer your questions.

Hos Spire møder du kun DFMS og FMF-certificerede sonografer. Vi tilbyder alle former for graviditetsscanning og vi har det nyeste udstyr, som sikrer optimal billedkvalitet ved alle scanninger. Vi er registrerede hos Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed.
