Prices and services
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We value our customers! After your first scan we offer a 15 % discount for every new visit in the same pregnancy.*
*Not eligible for NIPT, Nuchal Translucency Scans, Anomaly Scans, Follicle Scans and body treatments and cannot be combined with other discounts.
Prices are subject to change
Nipt (Panorama 1), 30 min, dkk 4000,-
From week 9+0-40
- Heartbeat visualized
- Crown rump length
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
- Risk assessment for trisomies 21, 18, 13, triploidy, 22q11.2, X and Y, gender optional.
NIPT (Panorama 2), 30 min, dkk 5000,-
From week 9+0-40
- Heartbeat visualized
- Crown rump length
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
- Risk assessment for trisomies 21, 18, 13, triploidy, X and Y, 22q11.2, Prader-Willi, Angelmann, 1p36, Cri-du-chat, gender optional.
NIPT (Evita Test Complete), 30 min, dkk 13500,-
From week 10+0-14+6
- Heartbeat visualized
- Crown rump length
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
- Aneuploidies, microdeletions and microduplications, gender (optional).
Early scan, 20 min, dkk 500,-
From week 6+0-13+6
- Heartbeat visualized
- Crown rump length
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Twins, Early scan, 30 min, dkk 700,-
- Heartbeat visualized
- Crown rump length
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your babies and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Nuchal Translucency Scan, 40 minutes, dkk 1600
- Determination of due date
- Risk assessment for trisomy 13, 18 og 21
- Print of your results, a color photo of baby and an e-mail with the rest of the images. 3D/4D if possible-
Twins, Nuchal Translucency Scan, 60 minutes, dkk 1800
From week 11+4-13+6
- Determination of due date
- Risk assessment for trisomy 13, 18 og 21
- Chorionicity and amnionicity
- Print of your results, a color photo of your babies and an e-mail with the rest of the images. 3D/4D if possible
Gender Scan/Early Reassurance Scan, 20 min, dkk 500,-
From week 14+0-22+6
- Heartbeat and gender.
- Growth Scan.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Twins, Gender Scan/Early Reassurance Scan, 30 min, dkk 700,-
From week 14+0-23+6
- Heartbeat and gender.
- Growth Scan.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Reassurance Scan, 30 min, dkk 900,-
From week 23
- Heartbeat and gender.
- Growth Scan.
- Flow measurements.
- We inform you of the gender if you’re interested.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Reassurance Scan+cervix, 30 min, dkk 1100,-
From week 23
- Heartbeat and gender.
- Growth Scan.
- Flow measurements.
- Cervix measured (transvaginal).
- We inform you of the gender if you’re interested.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Twins, Reassurance Scan, 50 min, dkk 1600,-
From week 23
- Heartbeat and gender.
- Growth Scan.
- Flow measurements.
- We inform you of the gender if you’re interested.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your babies and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Twins, Reassurance Scan+cervix, 50 min, dkk 1800,-
From week 23
- Heartbeat and gender.
- Growth Scan.
- Flow measurements.
- Cervix measured (transvaginal).
- We inform you of the gender if you’re interested.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your babies and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Anomaly Scan, 40 min, dkk 1200,-
- We assess the fetus’s body and organs from top to bottom and we evaluate the amount of amniotic fluid, the placenta and the baby’s postion in the womb.
- Growth Scan.
- We inform you of the gender if you’re interested.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
Twins, Anomaly Scan, 75 min, dkk 2000,-
- We assess the fetuses’ body and organs from top to bottom and we evaluate the amount of amniotic fluid, the placenta and the baby’s postion in the womb.
- Growth Scan.
- We inform you of the gender if you’re interested.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your babies and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images when possible.
3D/4D-scan, 40 min, dkk 1200,-
- Heartbeat and gender.
- Growth Scan.
- Flow measurements based on indication.
- We inform you of the gender if you’re interested.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your baby and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images.
Twins, 3D/4D-scan, 75 min, dkk 2000,-
- Heartbeat and gender.
- Growth Scan.
- Flow measurements based on indication.
- We inform you of the gender if you’re interested.
- Print of the scan result, one color print of your babies and an e-mail containing the scan record including 3D and 4D-images.
Follicle Scan, 10 min, dkk 600,-
Fertility scan where we count and measure your follicles, we measure the ovaries and the endometrium. If there are cysts or fibromas we describe and measure them.
Rebozo Massage, price dkk 600,-
Rebozo massage is of Mexican origin and has been used for many years by midwives, birth partners and doulas.
Your images on a USB stick, price dkk 200,-
Did you forget to download and save your images before the Tricefy link expired? We can transfer them to a USB stick and send them to you!*
At Spire you will meet a professional team of sonographers. We do all types of pregnancy scans including 3D and 4D. We have the latest equipment ensuring great looking images with all scans.
We are registered with the Danish Patient Safety Authority.
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