Gender Scan/Early reassurance scan
From week 14+0-22+6
Up to 20 minutes (30 minutes for twins)
Price dkr 500,- (dkr 700,- for twins. Read about twins here)*
What's included in the consultation?
A consultation includes obtaining pregnancy history as a baseline for assessing your baby’s growth and health, an ultrasound scan, a written report and a color photo of your baby all nicely presented in a folder. All the images and clips (silent) from the scan are sent via Tricefy. You can buy extra color photos at the price of dkk 20/pc. 3D and 4D when possible.
We see and hear the heartbeat and we determine the gender. The fetus is measured and the growth is assessed based on your due date. If you haven’t been scanned before we set the due date now. You can choose not to know the gender if you just want a reassurance scan. If you’re past 23 weeks book a Reassurance Scan. If you’re between 6+0-13+6 book an Early Scan.
In case of issues with the fetus’s health or growth we will guide you about the next steps.
Gender reveal
If you don’t want to know the fetal sex right away you can tell us. We will find out without telling you. You get a card with the information which you can choose to read or pass on to someone else at a later time💙❤️
Gender guarantee
Sometimes the position of the fetus disables us from accomplishing the scan. If this is the case we invite you back for a second look free of charge if you fulfill the conditions (see the box ‘About re-scans’).
As with all ultrasound examinations a gender scan is visual assessment.
Our accuracy rate:
2019: 99,9%
2020: 100%
2021: 100%
2022: 99,9%
2023: 100%
2024: 100%
2025: 100% (so far)
In other words we’ve had 2 misses in over 6 years. The numbers are based on feedback from our clients.
In the rare case of an incorrect gender assessment you will receive a refund for the price of the scan if the conditions are fulfilled (see the box ‘About re-scans’).
About re-scans
Sometimes the position of the fetus disables us from accomplishing the scan. If this is the case we invite you back for a second look free of charge. If you don’t know your due date and the fetus is younger than 14+0 based on the measurements from the scan you are not eligible for a re-scan.
If you are less than 14+0 weeks pregnant based on the due date set at the 12 week/nuchal translucency scan, we will charge you for a new appointment if we can’t see the gender the first time and a refund in the case of an incorrect gender assessment is not eligible.
Re-scans are available on weekdays before 4PM (provided there is an available time).
Re-scans are not available on weekends and cannot be booked online. If you change your appointment via our booking system without consulting us in advance you will pay for the scan you have booked.
Please note: This is not an Anomaly Scan.
*Prices are subject to change
At Spire you will only meet FMF-certified sonographers. We do all types of pregnancy scans and we have the latest equipment ensuring great looking images with all scans.
We are registered with the Danish Patient safety Authority